Today we analyze how Bayern Munchen play using a back 3, where one of the midfileders introduces himself in between the centre backs. We would like to use the fact that Bayern have not lost a game for 9 months (an unbeateness broken by Hoffenheim) to analyze one of the most important aspects that has contributed in this regularity. As usual, let's see the video first and let's detail the most relevant characteristics afterwards.
We see how Fein places himself in-between the two centre backs, who move away from each other to generate that space. This movement gives space to Kimmich in the middle of the pitch, creating a triangle that favours movement of the ball and promotes fluidity in the game. Furthermore, this positioning promotes a structure of security that protects the central channel, a factor that does not appear when we build up using 2 centre backs, as they are far away from each other and the central channel is unprotected. Having this third centre back, provides a (on top of all this) a situation of numerical superiority, as we see in the image.

This dynamism of having a centre midfielder moving down between the centre backs in a continuous manner, promotes the constant generation of space in the centre of the pitch, which is occupied by either the midfielders, full backs, or wingers to help the team progress in the game (always within a great coordination between all of them where each player has clear and determined roles). These rotations lead to situations of 1v1 in the wide areas of the pitch, which can provide us loads of advantages as long as we have the players with the right characteristics.
Another advantage that generates the fact of playing with this back 3 structure is that the lines of the defending team are fixed as a consequence of the generated advantages (both numerical and positional). Fixing these lines (generally the forwards) makes easier to receive the ball in behind them, promoting again the progression in the game (as we see in the next images).

Last but not least, with these three players in the back, altogether with keeping wide players, means that the distances between the players of the team are shorter and promote to press after losing the ball (a fundamental that we analyzed using Leeds United), as we see in the image below.

Hence, we see that incorporating a defensive midfielder between the centre backs does not only produces numerical advantages per se, but it also promotes a series of advantages in different zones and areas of the pitch that enable and facilitate the progression in the game.
Let's train it?