To train pressure after losing the ball, as we analyzed in Leeds United video directed by Marcelo 'El Loco' Bielsa, we propose a 7v7+4 position game. Let's take a look at the video of the task first and describe it afterwards.
We play a 7v7+4 offensive neutral players in a space divided in 4 boxes. The neutral players play on the line limiting the space of play (one on each line of the big square) and both the attackers and defenders play within the space without any positional restrictions. The objective of the game is to keep possession of the ball, in a context where we will promote the attackers to keep the ball by giving them one point each time they manage to play with a free player in one of the 4 sub-spaces. Hence, we promote the constant movement of the ball as well as the constant creation and occupation of the space.
But, how does all this help us with pressing after losing the ball? Here is where we introduce our second point system, which is the one we want to promote: in case the attackers lose the ball within one of the 4 sub-spaces, and they recover it within the same box, they will obtain 2 points and will keep the possession of the ball. Furthermore, we can (always as a function of the characteristics and needs of our team) tell the neutral players to be involved in the recovery of the ball during one unique transition (because otherwise they would not be neutral players anymore). in such a way that the players start interiorizing the concept and pressing at the right moment just after losing the ball rather than sitting deep.
And, now, what are the coaching points we need to focus on? As we said in the video analysis, fundamental aspects like reduction of space in both axes (both in depth and width), pressing closing passing options, and identifying who is the closest player to the holder of the ball in order to perform an organised pressure. It is important that we insist in this concept sending the player the message that, if there is no quick recovery of the ball, the team may spend long periods of time defending and running after the ball. Finally, it is also very important to keep in mind that pressing after losing the ball is more effective after long possessions and the proper positioning of the players on the pitch.
Let's practise it! Did you like it? Do you have any doubts? Get in touch!