Today we share with you a task to train the build up of the play with 3 players, as we analyzed from Bayern München. In that post we discussed the several benefitial points that this concept provides, so we need to keep all those in mind when we design our drill such that we approach as much to reality as possible.
In this case, we propose a GK.8v8 drill as a situation game. The playing field is divided in 3 zones and a points zone (marked with diagonal lines in the video). Let's see the video first and discuss the key aspects of this drill afterwards.
We see that the structure of the attacking team if GK.4.1.3 with full backs in both width and depth. To train the build up with 3 players, it is important that we always have that defensive midfielder in a position to drop between centre backs and receive the ball in order to start the attacking action. The 'forward 3' could be 2 midfielders and a striker, 2 wingers and a number 10, etc, depending on our system of play. We also see that the structure of the defensive team is a 3.3.2, but as we always say this will depend on the game we have in the weekend, the opponent we are playing, the characteristics of our players, and the players we have available for that specific training session. All these aspects, even though will introduce structural changes in the drill, will not modify neither the idea nor the concept behind it.
The rules of the task are very simple: the defending team (irrespective of which way the game is going) must keep their players within their corresopnding zone. Because of this, we will promote that the attacking team look for solutions to generate superiorities in each zone. Furthermore, we add the constraint that the full backs cannot enter zone 1 (that is, the initial third) such that we generate 2 main things:
The player that tends to enter zone 1 to receive the ball is the defensive midfielder (generating a 4v2 situation).
The full backs provide width and depth and generate space both in zones 1 and 2.
As coaches we must focus on the following if we want that the build up with 3 players is effective: promote width between the centre backs, get the striker to fix the defenive back line in order to generate more space, and that the midfielders and full backs play at different heights through active roatations. Furthermore, given that the movement of the attackers (except that of the full backs) is completely free, we must tell them to look for space in between the defensive lines as we discussed in the analysis section. Last, but not least, it is important that we insist in the cohesion of the team, as in these types of drills it is easy that each players keeps the focus in their own zone and we end up with a team split in 2 lines, which does not allow us to perform a good pressing after losing the ball nor reorganise the team efficiently.
Finally, and as a variation of the causing rules, we can remove the positional restrictions both offensively and defensively, providing the game with a higher degree of realism at the same time that we open new ways of building up the play, always keeping in mind that the objective of the drill is to use a third player to build up the game.
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